Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
FVCK it.
[Disclaimer: there will be some offensive language... you'll get over it.]
What the FUCK is wrong with me? i wish it would hurry the fuck up and get out of my system so i can carry on with my life and get some shit done.. Coz’ really.. I’m good at that.
I hate feeling all mopey and whiny and indeterminate about everything. As if I’m not already indecisive.. And add to the mix a whole lot of emotion and confusion. Like for fucks sake. That’s just a recipe for disaster. Oh and a reaction from others which runs similar to ‘watch out for the crazy bitch coz’ she’s crazyyyy!’
I’m all introspective.. Discontent with parts of my life. Feeling weird about stuff which can’t even be properly pinpointed, my head is all over the place. thoughts running a muck in my head… throw in some displaced doubt, insecurities about unknown stuff, then throw in anxiety about feeling the way I’m feeling without knowing why I’m feeling it and anxiety, stress and weariness about how this affects others and what their thinking and how this reflects upon me and my character traits and a whole lot of blah blah blah AND wow your just really fucked up…
That’s about where I’m at….
Why am i feeling this? i have no idea.
Where is this coming from? No fucking clue.
When will it pass? Hopefully soon.
What’s the root of the problem? i wish i knew… an answer only answered with another question- where is this all coming from? Once again only discoverable by another question. Questions upon questions.. How about we stop thinking?
Possible scenarios?
Stress. Stress about what? Work, friends, life, over thinking? yes its not good for you… but fuck it coz’ it’s going to happen anyways. Hence this blog and my attempt at “working out” what the fuck is wrong.
All this negativity surrounds me. Encompasses me. Consumes me.
i wish you’d get the fuck away so i can do some work and get shit done.
What happened to being organised?
What happened to knowing what was going on around me?
You talk it. i live it. You`re jealous, admit it.
Look at me and look at you, we have BIG differences right?
I`m white and you`re not.
I`m flawless and you`re not.
I`m a bit skinny and you`re not.
I know we`re both pretty but everybody knows that i`m PRETTIER than you. :))
Don`t hate me because i`m pretty, hate me because your boyfriend thinks i am. :)
so yeah, I`m the girl you`ll NEVER be baby.
Oh wait. Before I get down to the main talk. Lemme just,
-middle finger-
Dear whatever-the-fuvk-your-name-is, (HAHAHAH)
Maybe you`ll stop making me a big deal with this blog entry already. Get over me now, will you? :) You make me laugh real hard when you keep making me the talk of the town. It`s very flattering. It`s unbelievably uplifting :)) You got him where you want him now. Let`s toast to that :)) You fin`lly were able to get my leftover. HAHAH. Joke. =p Oh well, just Be happy. :)
Stop hating me. `Cause I`m starting to hate you more than much already.
keithanksbye. I LOVE YOU. :))
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Heart breaker
I'm sick of trying, it's all over, no turning back,
no second chances or even second looks, you've had many opportunities that you've never even took, you must just not even understand, the nights lieing awake thinking about you or the tears rolling down my face when wishing
old memories would come true (just even for another moment in time)
, i guess i was expecting to much, so this is it, it's really good-bye, but i want you to know that no matter what i will always love you........... always and forever.
Live life and be happy
Never get ahead of yourself.. just go on with life and maybe what you've been waiting for will have an easier time catching with you :)
Can anybody give answers to these??
Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
Why is 'bra' singular and 'panties' plural?
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
Do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?
Why did you just try singing the two songs above?
Can you get cornered in a round room?
What do blind people see in their dreams?
If anything's possible, then is it possible that nothing's possible?
How can you hear yourself think?
Are zebras black with white stripes, or white with black stripes?
Why does your nose RUN and your feet SMELL?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
weehoo! weehoo!
Can`t wait for thursday!! :D
it`s been a year since my last visit at Enchanted Kingdom..
so yeah, really can`t wait to go there with my friends! :)
i know, it`ll be FUN!!
*clap! clap!*
Monday, October 26, 2009
I knew who it was from the moment he said hello.. and i paused for a minute
coz i couldn`t believe it and i kept my cool so my friends just wouldn`t see..
He said, "im sorry but there`s something you should know.." This is what
he said to me.. "I didn`t let you go, no i can`t let you go"
he said, "I`m having such a hard time" Then i heard, "i just can`t let you go"
then he said, " i think im loosing my mind coz i still love you
this i must confess and guess i still need you i feel i have
to tell you this again. and yes, i still want you. This word i did not plan
so if ever i`d interrupted anything, i promise i won`t call you again.."
So i told him my heart felt the same that it did before. I said, "It never changed,
My feelings never went away and my heart never closed the door."
But then i said, "It`s not because you said that, it doesn`t mean you`re
coming back home.." and i said "It`s been months since we went our separate ways.
So you gotta face the fact we`re over with and done." and then i said,
"i gotta let you go and this conversation can`t go on no more..
i moved on and you gotta move on.." and before i ended the call, i utter my last words
to him. and that is, "Goodbye. Just take care of my heart, i left it with you.."
*falling tears from my eyes* :'(
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Chillax beybiii

i really had a great day n` night.
i met up with nin at glorietta SB.. and then we headed to greenbelt
to chill at starbucks. had caramel frap and jave chip for nin. :)
talked much. laughed much.
around 7pm i think, we went to the condo to rest and chill..
bought a bottle of cossack vodka =p
loove loovin uber! :)
and oh btw!
Over my head
all because the one you love lied?
have you ever wondered why should i try
when all that boy does is make me cry..
have you ever just played your part
even though you knew he'd been cheating on you from the start??
have you ever loved somebody in every way
to the point you didn't know what to say..
have you ever just came apart
because the one you loved played with your heart??
have you ever wished upon a star
but that wish never went very far.....
have you ever laid down at night
and thought why did i start that stupid fight??!
have you ever felt used
and all this time been confused??
have you ever felt like giving up
when you had your girls beside you always cheering you up..
are you tired of writing your 1st name with his last
knowing it will never be?? :l